Moormann's Salone di Aschau

Moormann's Salone di Aschau

  • — Showroom
Baaderstraße 35, 80469  München

Opening hours:

Mon - Sat, 10 a.m. to 7 p.m
Closed on Sundays/public holidays

Just produce furniture? Not interesting. A different wind blows in Aschau near Lake Chiemsee. A wind from the northwest that sometimes comes across a bit strange but provides a breath of fresh air in the design world. Typical of Moormann furniture is a minimalist design language, a condensed practicality and always a small twinkle in the eye. The collection includes shelves, tables, beds, chairs, wardrobes and other accessories. Production takes place with local craft businesses within a 40km radius of the company headquarters in Aschau im Chiemgau. Visit us in our new city gallery at Baaderstraße 35, 80469 Munich. In addition to furniture, art and design objects are also shown in changing exhibition formats


Nils Holger Moormann Möbel GmbH
Nils Holger Moormann Möbel GmbH
An der Festhalle 2
83229 Aschau im Chiemgau

Furniture publisher that implements special designs from external designers and has them manufactured locally in Chiemgau. The studio has won more than 60 international creative awards.

Location and design shops nearby

Moormann's Salone di Aschau, Baaderstraße 35, 80469  München

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