How close will technology come to us – physically and mentally?

Technological developments are created by and for people. Given this, it is only logical that technology will come closer to us. Be it digitalization, AI, robotics or orthopedics, technology is shaped by human need, and humans are in turn shaped by technological possibilities. This is clearly demonstrated in the field of orthopedics. We want prostheses that feel intuitive, like a part of the body; the more human the better. At the same time, sustainability focuses on developing technologies that place our environment front and center. We need to develop and encourage this type of altruism.



What can we learn from modern digital art?

We can learn about this art’s direct access to new technologies in order to explore new forms of expression in semantics, symbolism or critical observation. Art transcends borders and boundaries, brings together the seemingly disparate or invents something wholly new. Abandoning conventional ways of thinking is as much an inspiration for us as the new horizons, the profundity and sensuousness of the artworks. Learning from art means never standing still, but always moving onwards, critically appraising, breaking with the status quo, delivering surprises and, ultimately, utilizing technologies for purposes for which they were never intended.


Learning from art means never standing still...



What innovations should we expect in the future?

AI has recently upended the market as a milestone that has certainly paved the way for many innovations. Quantum computing speeds up calculations, while personalized medicine and genome editing are transforming the healthcare industry. Renewable energies and sustainable technologies point the way into a more environmentally friendly age. Artificial and virtual reality promise new directions in entertainment and education. The list of innovations is a long one, so it is all the more vital to draw up a policy framework that steers these innovations on the right course.