Live event

Friday, 17/5 15:00 - 15:15

canceled - Language of the mimosa - canceled


  • — Installation
Isabellastrasse 3 8, 80796 München

Bio-digital design speculations exploring the cooperation with other living species.

'Language of the Mimosa', a critical reflection on cooperation with other species in the age of symbioscene.

In this exhibition we explore the possibilities that arise from the idea of bio-digital cooperation with other life forms. Inspired by the mimosa's sensitive response to touch, we present design speculations that explore the evolution of interaction and action between humans and the natural world.

The exhibition invites visitors to think beyond the traditional boundaries between culture and nature and engage with the idea that a symbiotic relationship with other species is essential for a sustainable future. From interactive installations to critical discussions, 'Language of the Mimosa' encourages visitors to explore the complexity and diversity of relationships between different life forms and to develop new perspectives on coexistence on our planet.

Venue and events nearby

NVGTR , Isabellastrasse 3 8, 80796 München

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