Building in the context of the climate crisis - Exhibition
Building in the context of the climate crisis - Exhibition
Building in the context of the climate crisis - Exhibition
Building in the context of the climate crisis - Exhibition
Building in the context of the climate crisis - Exhibition
Live event

Saturday, 11/5 14:00 - 18:00

Building in the context of the climate crisis - Exhibition

Cluster-Initiative Forst u. Holz in Bayern gGmbH mit proHolz Bayern

  • — Ausstellung / Messe / Designmarkt
Pavillon 333 an der Pinakothek der Moderne
Barer Straße 40, 80333 München

The "Bavarian Timber Construction Award" exhibition showcases the diversity and aesthetics of modern timber construction.

Wood is one of the oldest building materials known to mankind. This is mainly due to the good structural properties that modern timber construction can exploit, for example in prefabrication and the addition of storeys to buildings.
However, wood is also a renewable raw material. Building with wood benefits the climate in several ways. Firstly, the manufacture of timber products generally causes only low CO₂ emissions. Also wood products used in a building turn it into a carbon sink. Wood also can replace CO₂-intensive building materials and is therefore an important lever for climate-neutral construction. Using wood from local forests shortens transportation routes and supports regional value creation. Sustainable forest management adapted to climate change - as prescribed and practiced in Germany - is the basis for building with wood.

The event is a cooperation between proHolz Bayern and TUM.wood.


Cluster-Initiative Forst u. Holz in Bayern gGmbH mit proHolz Bayern
Cluster-Initiative Forst u. Holz in Bayern gGmbH mit proHolz Bayern
Obere Hauptstraße 3 6
85354 Freising

proHolz Bayern is committed to active sustainable forest management, the creation of climate-stable forests and the increased use of wood as a renewable raw material.

Venue and events nearby

Pavillon 333 an der Pinakothek der Moderne, Barer Straße 40, 80333 München

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