
Wednesday, 14/5 19:00 - 22:30


Holzrausch GmbH

  • — Vortrag / Talk / Konferenz
Holzrausch Studio
Blumenstraße 17, 80331 München

New Paths in Design: Panel Talk with Andrian Kreye (Autor), Felix Grüneberger (karuun), Gerhardt Kellermann (J*GAST), Florian Lampe (TYP) and Mike Meiré (Meiré und Meiré).

CRAFT FORWARD II explores the realms of possibility between archaic materials, cutting-edge technologies and progressive designs.

Building upon the first exhibition in January 2024, which focused on bridging traditional craftmanship with generative codes, algorithms and artificial intelligenc, the second collaborative exhibition by J*GAST, karuun® and TYP® ventures into new pathways in design.

The focus lies on the authenticity of natural resources and textures within the context of forward-thinking design demands. Among other presentations, CRAFT FORWARD II showcases a J*GAST kitchen made of karuun®.

Andrian Kreyes book “Der Geist in der Maschine” addresses the current state of a society on the brink of a new digital era.

Technologies such as generative codes, algorithms, artificial intelligence, or additive manufacturing are transforming the way we design and produce things in unprecedented ways, forming the basis for a panel talk with the protagonists from J*GAST, karuun® and TYP®.

CRAFT FORWARD II is staged through material explorations, the juxtaposition of archaic and AI and the interpretation of existing designs by J*GAST, karuun®, TYP®, Mike Meiré.

Staged and curated by Meiré and Meiré.



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Holzrausch Studio, Blumenstraße 17, 80331 München

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