Live event

Thursday, 16/5 17:00 - 19:30

Experimental spaces in the city center

Kompetenzteam Kultur- und Kreativwirtschaft der LH München

  • — Führung
#kreativmunenchen Laden im Ruffinihaus
Rindermarkt 10, 80331 München

A guided walk through the #kreativmuenchen shops in downtown Munich.

Temporary uses of buildings and spaces not only enable new experiences in exciting, often unconventional locations but also provide an optimal "launchpad" for entrepreneurs due to the defined time and financial constraints. The Competence Team for Cultural and Creative Industries implements cultural and creative interim uses of urban spaces, increasingly in downtown Munich since early 2020. Currently, it offers Munich's cultural and creative professionals various spaces and formats for entrepreneurial development, including 6 shops, 9 shop windows, and an office floor in the Ruffinihaus. Here, creative companies in visual arts, music, film, literature, fashion, design, broadcasting, software/games, and architecture showcase their innovative concepts, injecting fresh energy into the city center under the label "Munich Creative Heart Beat." The team offers guided walks to explore these new spaces in the city and engage in conversations with the current "shop owners" and Ruffinihaus representatives about their projects.

Starting point is the kreativmuenchen shop in the Ruffinihaus at Rindermarkt. Participation is limited to 25 people.

Please register by May 11, 2024.



Venue and events nearby

#kreativmunenchen Laden im Ruffinihaus, Rindermarkt 10, 80331 München

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