From Farm to Fabric to Fashion - Lidewij Edelkoorts Masterprogram
From Farm to Fabric to Fashion - Lidewij Edelkoorts Masterprogram
From Farm to Fabric to Fashion - Lidewij Edelkoorts Masterprogram
From Farm to Fabric to Fashion - Lidewij Edelkoorts Masterprogram
From Farm to Fabric to Fashion - Lidewij Edelkoorts Masterprogram
Live event

Friday, 17/5 17:00 - 19:00

From Farm to Fabric to Fashion - Lidewij Edelkoorts Masterprogram


  • — Vortrag / Talk / Konferenz
Donnersbergerstraße 26, 80634 Munich

By a radical change of perspective, Lidewij Edelkoort aims to revolutionize the fashion industry. Creation is not about products, but about material, con- and deconstruction. First participants report

The fashion world is in crisis and requires radical change, new activism, and courageous ideas. Marinella Yzellari and Leonie Clara Obenauer are among the the first students to participate at the Farm to Fabric to Fashion Textile Master program at Polimoda (Florence) founded by Lidewij Edelkoort. "Starting at the roots", they report, "we learn to appreciate every step of the multifaceted supply chain – from the cultivation of raw materials to the design of a textile and garment. We delve into almost forgotten craftsmanship and work in an international network with nature instead of against it. We seek new ways of design to restore importance and value to the materials and the manufacturing process. We reflect on the past and develop a new, fair, and responsible future."

"My students are already able to discuss what they do, and what they are going to do, if you listen to them everybody will understand. It is not something futuristic, it is close to us and our experience." Lidewij Edelkoort




Donnersbergerstraße 26
80634 Munich

Fashion as an art form, art that inspires change, the unusual versus mass consumption - a funny, great little shop that makes you want less, but much better.

Venue and events nearby

RESPCT.ME Gallery, Donnersbergerstraße 26, 80634 Munich

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