
Tuesday, 14/5 18:00 - 22:00

Future Mobility Horizons: designing for changing natures


  • — Vortrag / Talk / Konferenz
Bayerstrasse 85, 80335 Munich

In the automotive and mobility sector, the shift towards sustainable and accessible solutions can vary dramatically across different future scenarios.

We invite you to step into a multi-dimensional automotive future:

• Explore our latest sci-fi research, delving into alternative world scenarios shaped by autonomous mobility, hyper-personalized AI-driven cars, and shifts towards socially stratified, shared, and eco-friendly mobility.

• Hear from mobility innovators at TUM Hyperloop, Lilium and Audi Business Innovation about their groundbreaking visions for the future.

Let’s create tomorrow, today!


Bayerstrasse 85
80335 Munich

Star is a global technology consulting firm that seamlessly integrates strategy, design and engineering as an end-to-end partner on its clients’ digital journeys.

Venue and events nearby

Star, Bayerstrasse 85, 80335 Munich

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