Live event

Friday, 16/5 16:00 - 21:00


Designworks, A BMW Group Company

  • — Creative Spot
Designworks, Munich Studio
Infanteriestrasse 11 A/ Haus, 80797 München

Designworks explores what it truly means for designers to view themselves as being one with Nature and what kind of new aesthetic impulses could emerge when creating with a 'Nature Mindset'."


Nature isn´t something disconnected from us. Recognizing that we are an integral part of it, can contribute to us designing more holistically and enrichingly. This realization marks the initial stride towards Regenerative Design – an approach that prioritizes the Earth in the design process. So, how can design actively foster the dissemination of this mindset?

On 16th May, under the title “I am Nature!” everything at the Munich Studio of Designworks will revolve around the question of what it really means for designers to be part of nature and which new, intriguing aesthetic design impulses can emerge from designing with a “Nature Mindset”.

“I am Nature” is a playful and experimental event-workshop, during which the Designworks teams will embark on a shared journey of discovery with you: Expect no product showcases, no ready-made solutions, and no final answers. What the Designworkers are interested in is involving you in their though processes, discussing points of views, listening to your thoughts and in passing maybe jointly sparking enlightening 'AHA' moments that may make us all take different decisions in our daily creative work and everyday life.

Venue and events nearby

Designworks, Munich Studio, Infanteriestrasse 11 A/ Haus, 80797 München

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