Live event

Thursday, 16/5 17:00 - 20:00

Temporal Ecospheres - A Speculative Design Experiment

shape of new

  • — Workshop / Coaching-Session
S+W BüroRaumKultur GmbH
Balanstraße 71 a, 81541 München

A co-creative futurology workshop - through speculative design and wildlife observation, new perspectives on time are explored and innovative visions are playfully designed.

Let's redefine how we deal with time.

Despite advancing digitalisation and the development of artificial intelligence, time remains a scarce commodity. The omnipresence of crises, compressed working hours and leisure time overloaded with obligations are increasing the pressure.

"Temporal Ecospheres" offers a novel approach to the challenge of time scarcity by combining the insights of nature and speculative design. In this interactive workshop, we will develop utopian scenarios and hopeful visions through design objects that reflect and playfully question our perception of time.

Under the guidance of the Munich-based futurology agency shape of new, participants will immerse themselves in a creative process inspired by the temporal perception of wild animals to develop innovative concepts of time design.

In addition, research findings invite reflection and dialogue on the connection between time, nature and design.

At the end of the workshop, we will take away inspiring, appreciative insights into nature and innovative approaches to time design.




shape of new
shape of new
Frühlingstraße 15
83093 Bad Endorf

Shape of new is an emerging agency for futures literacy, speculative design and visionary images of the future - spaces of possibility for transformation, innovation and strategy.

Cooperation partner

Venue and events nearby

S+W BüroRaumKultur GmbH, Balanstraße 71 a, 81541 München

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