Wanja Steinmaier
Geschäftsführender Gesellschafter Lumod Designagentur

Wanja Steinmaier

Wanja S. Steinmaier is co-founder and managing partner of the Lumod design agency, which was founded in 2006. Lumod sees design as a powerful tool for branding and brand development, focussing on the tangible product as the most important communication vehicle for brand values.

Lumod's client base includes international corporations as well as SMEs and start-ups. In this field of tension, Wanja S. Steinmaier acts between designer, customer and user to generate innovations in the human-centred design process.
He is a member of the German UPA (Usability Professionals Association) and a delegate of the VDID (Association of German Industrial Designers), where he was involved in the development of the Codex for Industrial Design in the Ethics Working Group.
