In May 2023, creative professionals from the worlds of design and architecture, enterprises and visitors will spend nine days at the munich creative business week discussing the relationship between disruption and creativity based on this year’s motto "Why disruption unleashes creativity". The mcbw has long served as a platform for all those who are driven by change. With a wide variety of events, exhibitions, speeches and initiatives throughout the city of Munich, mcbw facilitates encounters, promotes cross-disciplinary exchange and provides inspiration. This year's disruptive motto includes the following focus themes: "Think differently", "How to stimulate disruptions", "Crossover works" and "Harness disruption".
As a special mcbw highlight, the mcbw talk&connect2023 will take place on 8 May 2023 at the Munich Urban Colab. In cooperation with internationally acclaimed speakers, the mcbw talk format will search for answers to the question of how disruption can spark creativity. What happens after a disruption, how do we as humans deal with radical changes, how does something new emerge from the past and current shifts in our society – and what is the role does of design in this context?