
Wednesday, 15/5 18:00 - 19:30

Japan's Traditions: A Journey into Preserving the Environment

Tangity, part of NTT DATA

  • — Vortrag / Talk / Konferenz

Join us for an online event exploring Japan's rich sustainable traditions and their approach to preserving the environment. Explore the cultural aspects combined with Japan's innovative solutions.

Tangity is a global network of design studios in more than 13 countries. We love collaboration and are passionately dedicated to making a positive impact on the world every day.

Immerse yourself in the online event "Japan's Traditions: A Journey to Preserve Our Environment," where Tangity Studio Tokyo and Munich come together to explore the fascinating wonder of Japan's sustainable practices with you. Let yourself be captivated by the natural beauty, innovative spirit, and sustainable way of life of this country. This environmentally conscious journey takes you on an adventure where you can experience Japan's culture, tradition, and ingenuity. We aim to inspire you and showcase how Japan's solutions can contribute to improving environmental protection.

From learning about traditional crafts to discovering high-growth manufacturing and design, this journey offers a wealth of activities that will leave a lasting impression. Every moment of this trip offers you the opportunity to immerse yourself in the rich culture of Japan and discover its hidden treasures.

Our colleagues will provide you with all the necessary information to make your trip stress-free and enjoyable. Don't miss the opportunity to take part in this extraordinary journey. Book your seat today and get ready for the adventure!




Tangity, part of NTT DATA
Tangity, part of NTT DATA
Hans-Döllgast-Straße 2 6
80807 München

We are an international network of strategy, creativity and design studios part of NTT DATA, trusted global innovator in IT & business consultancy.