Live event

Tuesday, 14/5 18:00 - 22:30


TULP Design GmbH

  • — Interaktion
TULP Design GmbH
Gotzinger Straße 52b, 81371 München

Climate protection: Yes! Change: No! Can design make people want to live more naturally? In an interactive experiment, we want to investigate how we react to new requirements and impressions.

The discrepancy between the desire for climate protection and the rejection of specific measures is huge. Even goals that are generally supported have a hard time as soon as they directly affect us. There is a fear of having to accept possible disadvantages.
We want to make the contrasts between aspiration and willingness visible. Together with our visitors, we want to spend an evening experimenting and discussing how we can overcome entrenched ideas. How can I free myself from them?
Are there ways to create a desire for new behaviors?
We want to spend an evening conducting interactive experiments on this topic and talking in a relaxed atmosphere about how design can whet the appetite for a climate-neutral society.
As always at TULP, there will be drinks, something to nibble on and live music at the end! We are looking forward to an exciting evening of experimentation.


TULP Design GmbH
TULP Design GmbH
Gotzinger Straße 52b
81371 München

We are a design agency with a focus on communicating themes and brands in space.

Venue and events nearby

TULP Design GmbH, Gotzinger Straße 52b, 81371 München

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