How Healthy Products Build Healthy Cities
How Healthy Products Build Healthy Cities

Tuesday, 14/5 15:00 - 16:00

How Healthy Products Build Healthy Cities

Parsons Healthy Materials Lab

  • — Vortrag / Talk / Konferenz

The health of people and our planet is inseparable. Healthy Materials Lab demands that design and material production revolve around this factor. Join us!

Imagine a built world that is created to support people's health, nature's ecologies, environments, and all living things. With a deeper understanding of the fundamental issues threatening our planet and human species, and with an understanding of Material Health, we can radically change the future through the practice of Architecture and Design. Design can help to transform and shape healthier lives for everyone.
We need to chart a different path from the one that Western culture has forged since the start of the 20th century. From a multi-disciplinary and intersectional perspective, design can help to transform and shape healthier lives.
We will share tools and resources and examples of built prototypes from Healthy Materials Lab demonstrating our work towards the transformation of design and building practice

Healthy Materials Lab at Parsons, NYC centers on human and ecological health in design and material production.

