Leila Unland
Kollektiv P.O.N.R.

Leila Unland

Leila Unland is an aspiring architect. She studied at TU Munich, Université de Montréal and Bauhaus-Universität Weimar. Since 2016 she has been working at STUDIO|STADT|REGION Architecture & Urban Development where she was involved in participation and research projects, and is now working on conversion and communal living. She has already practiced urban space activation and civic co-creation in various collective forms. She was part of the 2018/19 cohort of the Urban League - Youth Forum Urban Development, and gained experience in Weimar in the collective Raumstation. In 2020, together with Maria Schlüter and seven other people, she founded the collective P.O.N.R., which was awarded the LHM sponsorship prize in 2022. At the end of 2022, the initiative JustizzentrumErhalten was founded.