Prof. Stephan Birk
Lehrstuhlleitung Lehrstuhl für Architektur und Holzbau an der Technische Universität München

Stephan Birk

Stephan Birk, born in Stuttgart in 1975, studied architecture at the University of Stuttgart and graduated in 2003. During and after his studies, he worked in various architecture firms in Stuttgart, Boston and London. In 2005, Liza Heilmeyer and he founded their own office in Stuttgart and received several major architectural awards for their work. In 2009, he was appointed to the Association of German Architects. They have been working in partnership with Martin Frenzel since 2012.

Since 2007, Stephan Birk has been active in various teaching and research roles alongside his work in the office. In 2015, he was appointed professor and in 2021 he was appointed to the Technical University of Munich, where he has headed the Chair of Architecture and Timber Construction ever since.
