Live event

Tuesday, 14/5 18:30 - 20:30

Yes, it works – moors as building material and climate protection

BHB Unternehmensgruppe

  • — Vortrag / Talk / Konferenz
Dachauerstraße 24, 80335 München

Why are peatlands so important for our climate? BHB Unternehmensgruppe welcomes all pioneers of urban innovation to a reading and panel discussion at MUCBOOK KAFFEEHAUS @ LOCI.

Moors present an underestimated factor in our climate efforts: drained peatlands in Germany emit an equivalent of approximately 53 million tons of CO₂ annually, accounting for about 7.5 % of the total greenhouse gas emissions. The construction industry alone is responsible for around 30 % of all CO₂ emissions in Germany.

What has Paludi culture to offer? Which pioneering projects are being tested already? And which challenges does this ancient building technique bring for designers? Join the discussion with experts in the field of urban transformation at a reading of the book "Das Moor: Über eine faszinierende Welt zwischen Wasser und Land und warum sie für unser Klima so wichtig ist" by Dr. Franziska Tanneberger and Vera Schroeder. Promising perspectives for a value shift in architectural culture, resulting from regenerative design in co-creation with nature, will be illustrated through case studies and real-life experiments.

An event by BHB Unternehmensgruppe with MUNICH NEXT LEVEL, hosted by Marco Eisenack, publisher of MUCBOOK.




BHB Unternehmensgruppe
BHB Unternehmensgruppe
Nördliche Münchner Straße 9c
82031 Grünwald

Form follows emotion: Guided by the spirit of Genius Loci the BHB Unternehmensgruppe has creatively been envisioning and constructing living spaces designed for a sustainable future since 1976.

Venue and events nearby

MUCBOOK KAFFEEHAUS @ LOCI, Dachauerstraße 24, 80335 München

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